Saturday, February 22, 2020

The History of Lacrosse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The History of Lacrosse - Research Paper Example The sport of Lacrosse has diplomatic, spiritual, entertaining, physical and cultural meaning/ significance. Thesis statement: The meaning/significance given by Indian tribes to Lacrosse game is beyond its value as a sports item (special reference to historical background of Lacrosse). The history of Lacrosse as an ancient game is interconnected with the Indian tribes in North America. The Native Americans considered Lacrosse as a gift from the god, their creator. As pointed out, the Native Americans played the crude form of Lacrosse and its modern form is indebted to the European settlers. For instance, the European settlers who reached in the southern parts of the American continent got interested in this game. Montreal, an important settlement of the Europeans is considered as the birthplace of modern Lacrosse. Eventually, the warm relation between European settlers and the Native American tribal people resulted in the popularity of Lacrosse to other parts of the world. The crude form of Lacrosse game cannot be termed as a single game because it was a set of ball games played by a number of Indian tribes. For instance, the Northeast tribal people used one stick and the Southeast tribal people used two sticks to play Lacrosse. The tribal people used different na mes to denote the same game. For instance, the Ojibwa Indians used the word â€Å"beggataway† to denote the game. The name of the game â€Å"Lacrosse† originated from its similarity with crosier, which was used for religious purposes. Donald Lee Fixico makes clear that the French settlers in North America used the word ‘Lacrosse’ to denote the game (Fixico 103). The European settlers who settled in North America gradually converted the aboriginal population to Christian faith. Some of the converts moved to the border regions of Canada. This resulted in the spread of Lacrosse in Canada. Eventually, the European settlers who

Thursday, February 6, 2020

IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES - Essay Example Moreover, the implementation plans become effective because they are based on priorities. The most important plans are executed first before considering the other plans based on a predetermined manner of ranking such priorities. Incorporation of short-term objectives to the functional tactics enhances the need of accomplishing implementation plans with urgency. Policies play a major role in the success of an enterprise. Their development aids in the protection of all the stakeholders of an organization through the principles they provide. Policy development leads to the development of an ethical structure followed by an organization for its success. The development of the policies also ensures an organization’s capacity as a going concern because they provide continuity for the organization over a long period (Blyth, 2009). Moreover, through the development of such relevant policies, an organization experiences effective management and accountability in its system. This occurs through the adoption of the principles and remaining committed to them as per the policies. Such principles are consistent and equitable, thus affecting the performance of an